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Cybersecurity transformation is the implementation of a holistic cybersecurity strategy that incorporates risk management, incident response planning, threat intelligence, security governance, regulatory compliance, security awareness training, and more. The fundamental concept behind cybersecurity transformation is to ensure that cybersecurity strategy is built into and aligned with every aspect of the business to facilitate digital transformation.
Security Consolidations
The evolving threat landscape means organizations need airtight cyber defenses. A platform approach to cybersecurity ensures organizations are protected from the latest threats.The fundamental concept behind cybersecurity transformation is to ensure that cybersecurity strategy is built into and aligned with every aspect of the business to facilitate digital transformation. From multicloud environments to AI-based attacks, the threat landscape is changing rapidly. Consolidating your security is key to preventing threats
Discover MoreSecurity Implementation
In other words, today’s organizations are distributed, which creates larger and more diverse attack surfaces. This makes risk management, incident response planning, security governance, security awareness training, cloud security, network security and IoT security more complex than ever. The growing use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and automation is adding new challenges to an already complex environment, making cybersecurity transformation even more urgent. Intelligent tools enable adversaries to launch attacks that are both larger in scale and more targeted at specific vulnerabilities, such as IoT security, network security and remote workers.
Discover MoreSecurity Management
Cybersecurity transformation typically requires a commitment from executive management in the C-suite and the boardroom because cybersecurity transformation affects security technologies, business processes and corporate cultures. Resistance to change. Implementing cybersecurity transformation is a major strategic undertaking. It involves a commitment to new security technologies and, in many cases, changing the corporate culture. Given the industry-wide shortage of cybersecurity talent, business and IT leaders might believe they don’t have the skills in-house to successfully effect cybersecurity transformation.
Discover MoreTechnology Adoption
Cybersecurity transformation may require investments in new security technologies and training, both for SOC teams and general security awareness training across the organization. Unless management can be shown clear benefits in areas such as risk management or digital transformation, they may be hesitant to approve additional spending without a clear cybersecurity strategy and roadmap. Implementing new cybersecurity tools can potentially reveal integration difficulties when those tools aren’t compatible.
Discover MoreFuture Trends
Cybersecurity transformation provides a technological and cultural foundation for organizations to be faster, more efficient and more confident in adjusting to this constantly changing threat market. With cybersecurity transformation, organizations are better prepared to deal with both current challenges and future trends as they emerge and develop. As advances in security technologies come to market, organizations that have undertaken successful cybersecurity transformation initiatives are well positioned to seamlessly incorporate innovations into the cybersecurity environments.
Discover MoreCybersecurity Strategy
Cybersecurity transformation offers improved risk management and protection against today’s most pernicious threats. It sets the foundation for a future-proofed cybersecurity strategy as adversaries adapt and seek to exploit new vulnerabilities. Many organizations still rely on legacy infrastructure (such as on-premise technology) that’s inflexible and tough to scale. Cybersecurity transformation guides a company’s journey from those legacy devices to cloud security, oftentimes with minimal disruptions to business operations. One of the biggest challenges of adopting new cybersecurity tools is the time and resources spent on vetting, deploying and integrating those tools.
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